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Covered in the Book:


Quotes from the Book (original text) by Jonathan R. Tuck

I do not know if what I’m going to tell you will be your truth, or whether it will become your truth, or if it even should become your truth, but I humbly acknowledge that the value of writing this book to you has been of tremendous benefit to me as a person. I want to thank you, and everyone who has made this possible, and who has helped me along the way.

In the presentation of this text to you, all of my ideologies and beliefs have been derived from a lifetime of observation, research, reading and direct experience.

I’m not perfect, and I’m not classically educated in human psychology, and I wouldn’t consider myself a quantum physicist either. I don’t have all the answers, and where I’ve presented anything as being ‘the truth’, it’s what I personally understand it to be, to the best of my knowledge, as a result of the accumulation and compilation of my research, reading, self-education, experience and intuition. I fully accept that it is my truth, and that elements of it may not be right for you, or for anyone else.

This is the beginning of a book that my whole existence on this planet earth, or at least my life to date, appears to have been leading to; and I write it for you.

One of the most profound memories that I have of my displaying such vulgar behaviour was when I was going through the process of starting my first official business, and then my first (and I expect, last) bankruptcy. It was a dark and challenging time for me, from which I was to gain a plethora of invaluable lessons and wisdoms.

(I’m grateful for the mistakes that I made, and for the support that I received, and for the opportunity this presented me with to do the significant research that I’ve done, and the work that I’ve done to address this goal, and many others, which I can now present to you, my boys.)

I want to help you to see that you have a choice, right here and now, and throughout your life, as to whether you see your journey as a continual test and an arduous up-hill battle, or whether you see it as a wonderful, inspiring and fulfilling adventure. I know it can be the latter, and I know that you can experience it that way, if you so choose.

The media, society in general, and people all throughout your lives will tell you what they think you should be thinking, or what they think you should be doing, and how they think you should be doing it. They might be extremely persuasive and insistent, but I encourage you to have faith in yourselves, to follow your own intuition and hearts, and to do whatever it is that makes you happy in the long run, as long as it’s done with kindness to others.

Nobody, including myself, could possibly advise you ultimately on how to live your lives any better than you can guide yourselves, and to know your own truth. Follow your intuition and your dreams, and all will become revealed in time.

Some people come into your life with good purpose and will teach you everything you need to know at that point in time. The key is in being able to recognise who these people are, who you can trust, and to open yourself up to learning from the experience.

The best advice I can offer you in this respect is to trust your intuition, or your ‘gut feeling’.

We are born with this very powerful guidance tool, which is often overlooked, and which science is now even looking at on a biochemical level. But if you follow your intuition or ‘gut feeling’ you’re probably on the right track, even though the outcome may not be what you were expecting at the time.

So, what makes me think that I have the knowledge or authority to describe to you what I think life is all about, and how to get the best from it? Well, I guess that after reading this book, you’d have to agree that I’ve lived quite a bit, for a start! And my life hasn’t been the smoothest of journeys. In fact, it’s been so rough at times that I am surprised I’m still alive to tell the tale.

(All I could do was think, and all I could think of was the fact that I was desperate for the girl in the opposite cot to shut-the-fuck up! She was screaming and screaming and jumping around in her cot, and it was driving me nuts!)

As the days went by, I learned to communicate by pointing. The right side of my body was completely paralysed, almost like a stroke survivor, so I had to learn to do everything with my left hand. Holding a cup and fork, for example, but I also had to learn to write with my left hand, something I can still do to a degree today.

I was bald; all of my hair had been shaved off and I now had a scar on the right side of my head which to all extent and purpose looked like a massive caricature of a penis that we used to draw for fun when we were kids. I still push the tip of my finger into the spot of maximum indentation to this day and wonder what I am going to do if my hair thins much more or if I go bald. At least I can say that it’s ‘Dr. Dick Head’ to anyone who might joke about it!

After the hospital days, I remember being stationed on a low mattress in my parent’s room and having a bell to ring if I needed anything. I was given a 30% chance of surviving with a normal life ahead of me, the surgeons advised my parents not to expect that I would be anything more than a ‘cabbage’, which was acceptable terminology back then. I was going to prove them wrong!

The way I eventually learned to see myself and the world stemmed from my early interest in Quantum Physics. I was introduced to Quantum Physics during my first degree and it bridged the gap between physical sciences (biology, chemistry or classical physics) and non-physical sciences or phenomenon, such as religion, spirituality, the mystical, and the metaphysical.

If I hadn’t had this trauma, or adversity, at such a young age, and throughout my life, then there’s a chance that I would not have embarked upon this journey of discovery and enlightenment at all, and I would not have been in a position to understand and want to address the damage that I may have done to you as children.

Let me explain: Everything in the known universe is simply energy at its fundamental level; atomic, photonic, quantum, light, sound, waves, and absolutely everything in existence, both physical and non-physical. And the way we perceive that energy through our senses depends upon its vibrational frequency, and the sensitivity of those senses.

To complete the puzzle at this stage, what I learned was that everything in the universe, at a quantum level, is connected to everything else by the very nature of the energy it is derived from, as I said, including our thoughts. The Universe would appear to be one immense symbiotic energetic organism!

So, going back to the purpose of me writing this text for you, I’m damned if I’m not going to try to save you guys as much time as I can in your figuring it all out! I mean, I think it’s almost critical for your development to take the time to make the same mistakes as I did (except breaking your head – I wouldn’t necessarily recommend that), but my intention is to help to speed up your learning process, so it won’t take you the lifetime that it has taken me; and is still taking me.

If you ever need, or simply want to know anything about anything, then do your research! Use the internet, and read books. Read lots of books! Don’t think that your education is purely from what you learn at school. If you want to be properly informed, then you must self-educate, and the plethora of resources available to you provides the only challenge in so much as where you prioritise your learning, and what you believe to be true. My only advice here is to choose the information that resonates with you the most and compile as much information as possible before deciding your truth.

For when it boils down to it, as I see it, your ‘truth’ is what you choose to believe.

I’m utterly perplexed by the fact that we’re born into this world, into the bodies, and with the DNA, genetics, and traits that we inherit, with absolutely no user guide whatsoever, and no given knowledge on how to live our lives, what we’re meant to do, whether we have a purpose, or not, or what it’s all about.

I’m convinced that if we, as human beings, had better memories, then whether for good or for bad, the world would be a very, very different place. It is utterly perplexing and debilitating to our species, that human beings, as evolved and as wise as we have the potential to be, with the most exceptional physical infrastructure, and the biological and chemical complexity that makes up who we are, we generally have such poor memories!

I’d go even further to say that I think that poor memory is possibly one of the biggest issues that the human race experiences, in terms of its development as a species. I believe that our current condition of poor memory leaves us extremely vulnerable to our apparently gullible state, and appears to explain why history repeats itself, again and again and again.

As far as ‘ADHD’ and any other labels go, to quote Peter Breggin MD and Psychiatrist. “There is no evidence that ADHD is a brain disease or even a medical disorder. It is not associated with any biochemical imbalances. Studies that supposedly show brain shrinkage in children diagnosed with ADHD are in fact showing stimulant drug damage. The symptoms are nothing more than a list of items that require extra attention from parents and especially from teachers.” He has fought tirelessly in court cases and won. He is a highly respected in his field and with educating others about the real truth not only with ADHD but the whole area of medicine and psychiatry.

(I’ll say it again. You have to go to school. Mainly because otherwise, it’s possible that your Mother and I would have to go to prison. Isn’t that interesting? Yet another story entirely. Under the circumstances, that option really wouldn’t be good for you or either of us! It’s just one of those things…)

But going back to the schooling, for either of you; please don’t ever let the system break your spirit. Because being the way you are, I’m sure will give you a head start in life, once the schooling is behind you, and you can begin to educate yourself in what it is that’s important, what interests you, and for the rest of your life, the ability to follow your dreams!

When I was a child, I was absolutely guilty, for whatever reason, of bending the truth to make things I’d seen or done sound better than they actually were. I was equally guilty of making excuses when I didn’t want to do something, or if I had done something wrong. I know where that trait came from.

For most of my younger life, I was also very guilty of assuming that I knew something, because I’d heard it from whatever source, or even just pretended that I knew something (winging it), and thinking that I could talk with authority on whatever topic it was.

So, if nothing else, I urge you to think about the information you’re going to convey to someone. Always ask yourself (relative to the relationship) whether you know for a fact that the information is true, or, at the very least, make it clear where you got your information from, and how confident you are in its source and authenticity, and your own authenticity. And more than anything, particularly if it’s something you’re interested in, do the research to put yourself in a better position of knowledge and authority the next time the topic is discussed. Don’t talk to impress, often less is more.

It seemed pretty obvious to me back then. I knew how I wanted to behave, and what I wanted to change, so why couldn’t I just change it? I mean, what’s that all about?

I gradually learned, step-by-step and from first principals, why we have the core beliefs and ideologies that we have, and subsequent behaviour that we display, and why it’s so difficult to change these behaviours, even if we’re aware of them, and desperately want to change them. I even learned about mental health issues such as addictions or depression, and where I thought they stem from, and had many ideas on how I thought they could be effectively treated. What I learned changed my life forever, and I believe has contributed to the happiness I’ve been over the last several years, despite the roller-coaster ride that I persistently expose myself to.

You see, what I learned was, that it’s a lot to do with our ‘pre-programming’, or the memories that evoke feelings or emotions, which are embedded deep into our sub-conscious. And just to demonstrate how challenging it is to access and re-program your deep sub-conscious, a Buddhist Monk would probably have to spent 20 years sitting on a mountaintop ‘Ohmming’ to eventually reach the state of deep meditation, where his sub conscious lies, and becomes accessible and workable, to remove any of the unwanted beliefs and pre-programmed junk. On a side note, I learned that there’s a lot more to ‘Ohmming’ then is conventionally understood, and the significance of the power of sound and vibrational frequency, and it’s influence on life and creation.

I’m painfully aware of the psychological damage I must have caused you when you were younger, due to my drinking and my anger.

Yeah, I had a plethora of excuses for my drinking habits, and I thought I had better excuses than most people, with my forever present physical pain, paired with the insomnia I’d developed over the years. But they were just that: Excuses. The pain and insomnia were real, but anger and drinking weren’t the solution. And it wasn’t until I could openly and honestly accept that they were excuses, that I could properly begin to address my addictions, the beliefs causing and stemming from those addictions, my thoughts, emotions, and subsequent behaviour.

Unfortunately, the contraption failed during a holiday in North Wales and we ended up at a boat yard for advice. All the doctors at the surgery and hospital had no idea what to do! Then my Mother (Grandma) held me down while my Nannie (your Great Grandma) drilled into the wood in my plaster in order to repair the device. I found this terribly amusing!

It wasn’t until my marriage with your mum had got to the point of break down for a multitude of irreparable reasons that I was forced into sobriety for the first time properly.

During this time, I learned about the deceit and lies that we tell ourselves. I learned about the insanity of addiction. I observed my behaviour and saw the fucked-up and perverse nature of my reasoning, and the efforts that my ‘head’ would go to in convincing me that I could use any justification available to start to drink, and then carry on drinking until I was drunk. And I saw the interesting tangents between these insanities and, for example, those of the addiction that we often refer to as ‘love’, when first in a relationship.

I don’t mind telling you that having you has been the greatest paradox I’ve ever experienced. If I had to go back and do it all again, I probably wouldn’t do it for any incentive that anyone could offer me. However, from the moment you were born, I knew I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world, or even the known universe, and beyond!

A couple of examples on this list were my inherent shyness, and my occasionally uncontrollable anger. I wanted to become more calm and confident, yet remain assertive, and in control of my emotions. I didn’t quite know how to tackle it all, but I remember starting the slow process of researching different methods to help me with this.

A fundamental mistake. I suddenly understood that if I wanted to get better at anything, be it my own behaviour, or my professional skills, I had to take as much responsibility as possible, and invest my own blood, sweat and tears in anything that I wanted to improve. This realisation was the beginning of an incredible journey of self development, acquisition of knowledge and enlightenment.

One of the first things I tackled was my inherent shyness and fear. It was one of the things I‘d always found very challenging as a child, and while growing up. And it completely baffled me. I was trying to understand why I was so inherently shy, and reserved, and scared to take opportunities that were presented to me. I spent a great many years in regret for the things that I hadn’t done, and the opportunities I’d clearly missed.

Another element of my behaviour that I found very challenging was controlling my anger. And this was particularly the case when I’d been drinking. What challenged me the most about it in the early days, was that I understood from various sources, that a direct result of a head trauma could be excessive anger. I wasn’t put off by this, but I also by then had realised that for my own sake, I couldn’t use this as an excuse to make it OK.

Throughout the years, I found numerous other techniques for my emotional development, most of which were in direct conflict with my trained ‘classical physics’ scientific approach to, and my understanding of the world. But the more I learned, the more I began to accept a different way of looking at the world.

Around about the time that both of you’d been born, I began to develop and quantify my understanding that anything is possible, and that anybody can achieve whatever they want, if they really want it. And this coincided with my growing knowledge that what you think about the most, you attract to yourself.

You see, what I learned was that the law of attraction knows no polarity. That meant, that when I had thought intensively about not wanting something, it’s exactly the same as being passionate about, and thinking about wanting that same something, and that it has exactly the same effect! Just take a few minutes to think about the significance of that statement.

Despite my new insights into the law of attraction and thinking I knew how to grow rich; I was also making a lot of big ‘mistakes’. Alcohol still ruled my world and it drove a bitter streak between your Mother and I. I was going through bankruptcy while trying to start a new business just as you were born, Alex.

I’ll never forget the day that I was reading a bedtime story to you, William, and I became overwhelmed with emotion and had to stop reading and leave the room, to prevent you from seeing me cry (which I’ve since overcome, and you see my face leaking sometimes).

I was at the lowest that I’d been for a long time, and quite desperate. I was confused with all the information I’d been absorbing, the bankruptcy and lack of career and life focus, and the breakdown in the relationship with your Mother, who I’d loved so dearly. The lack of clarity was taking its toll. At this time, I thought I was doing everything I could to progress my career, education, relationship, and self-development, but nothing seemed to be working. I was at the end of my tether. Little did I know it, but right there and then, I was exactly ‘3 feet from gold’!

Now, I’m already acutely sceptical at this stage of so called ‘get rich quick’ and ‘make your willy as big as Nelsons column’ promises on the internet (which were even sent to your Mother), and I approached this with caution too.

But at the same time, I don’t believe in coincidences, and wanted to find out as much as I could first, before I dismissed it.

The email advocated a webinar called ‘Unsinkable’ by Sonia Ricotti, and the webinar was at some arbitrary time in the US; but when I checked, it was in 5 minutes time, local time! Well, it was free, I had nothing to lose, and so I logged on and tuned in to find out more.

First it taught me that there’s no point worrying about stuff you cannot change: A good rule of thumb that I’ve come across, is to consider whether ‘it’, whatever the challenge is, is going to matter in five years’ time, and if not, then it’s not worth investing any time or energy into thinking too hard about it.

Forgiveness is a very powerful tool. I realised that when you hold a grudge against someone or something, you are only hurting yourself. And there’s no point in that. What I found was that the more I forgave the people that I saw as having hurt me in the past (including myself), then I became freer and happier in general, and more able to move on, and make a better future for myself.

Quite simply, the more grateful you are, and I mean sincerely heart-felt gratitude, then the more good you attract to yourself. I struggled with this for a while, but I knew that the gratitude had to be sincere, and not just as part of a tool to attract more abundance to myself. I kept a gratitude manifesto, which I read and added to every morning, before it gradually became second nature to me to naturally observe my gratitude for everything around me, every day, and for everything I have or experience.

In my opinion, love is the most powerful energy in the Universe, and if us plebs all got together and focussed love on evil, I’m absolutely convinced that love would kick evils arse! This is akin for example to the Jedi against the Empire in Star Wars. ‘The Force’ for me represents the energy of ‘love’. Feel the force, Luke…

I was not afraid to be bold, or what I felt was being bold at that time. I was not afraid to reach for the stars. I was not afraid to challenge myself to step up to all that I knew deep down I was capable of, but just hadn’t been given the opportunity to prove yet.

(It ‘happened’ almost immediately. By this I mean that, within a week, my business partner to-be, approached me to see if I was interested in working with him to start what was soon to be our new and very buoyant company.)

It’s not worth beating yourself up about what’s happened in the past, because you cannot change it. You’re best positioned to look at it as a positive learning experience from which you can apply what you learned to the now.

So, my philosophy on utilising the essence of right here and now, is, if you are going to do something, then, within good reason, do it now! Don’t wait! Procrastination is a terrible burden, and leads to a downward spiral – see Parkinson’s Law

One of the significantly important things that I learned during this time as well, was, to ‘eat a frog for breakfast’!
Now, of course, this is a metaphor, and doesn’t actually mean that you should serve up some frog on toast for breakfast, with a siding of lizard tongue and salamander gizzard! What it’s recommending, is that you should look at your daily tasks in the morning and choose the most ugly, unpalatable and challenging task, and do that first!

I love the sound of my own voice! I love talking to people about me. And I love being able to try to help people with some of the knowledge and experience that I’ve gained. On any topic, be it scientific, or otherwise. So why, oh why, was I so apparently terrified, no… petrified, of public speaking?

‘Three deep breaths’ is a well-practiced and documented method for significantly calming your nerves. The ‘Deadliest Catch’ guys even use it. And doing the jobs they do, whatever techniques they use to prevent themselves from dying, I take very seriously! Like knocking on wood!

So, going back to my IVVM’ing and use of the Law of Attraction or Universal Energy, and despite the chaos of a start-up business, by mid-2015 I could now tick every single box on my four-page wish list in the career that I had apparently orchestrated for myself, and thus proved to myself conclusively that this was indeed a very real phenomenon, however it had worked, or whatever I’d done.

I stopped drinking on the 8th January 2017 and attended my first AA meeting on the 9th. This time it was different. This time it was very clear. Every time I’d stopped drinking before I’d felt the need to remove all evidence of alcohol from the house; this time I didn’t need to. We still had alcohol in the house, and it didn’t bother me this time. I felt different and more confident that this is what I wanted.

It’s understood that what you blame others of, or how you judge them, criticise them, or the ‘faults’ that you see in them, are often nothing more than a reflection of what is going on within yourself. You’ll find this to be true once you start to observe your own negative internal comments about others’ behaviours or traits, and see that you may actually display those ‘bad’ traits or behaviours yourself, or that you’d actually like to have more of such traits yourself. Mirroring your own behaviour in others is called ‘projection’ and is a very interesting phenomenon to look into!

One of the things I realised very early on from my study of human psychology, and subsequent learning of the deep sub-conscious, is that you can’t directly change anyone. If anyone is going to change, it has to be as a direct result of them being aware of the thoughts, emotions and subsequent behaviour that they have and display, and them wanting to change for themselves, and not for anybody else. Even if they do want to change for someone else, it’s clear that in the majority of cases it inevitably leads to much disappointment, because they are trying to do it for what I believe to be the wrong reason. Equally, somebody cannot change you!

I feel that nobody should present themselves as an authority on anything at all, without having direct experience of it themselves, unless otherwise quoted as a reference.

See, I learned that effective communication, at a deep level, is far easier when your energies are resonating at the same frequency (hence the expression, ‘I really resonate with him/ her’), and that many people are simply not ready to be helped, or need a different type of help than you want to provide, or can provide. It’s often the same as addiction. You can only want or receive help when you are critically aware of the help that you need, and you accept that you need it. Only then are you open to accept, and receptive to the advice of others.

One of the primary focal points of my learning journey had been on the fundamentals of how our minds work, and I learned why it is that we sometimes behave differently than we think we should, or even differently to how we consciously believe that we actually do. You see, it all seems to start when you’re in the womb.

It seems apparent that a trauma or shock at any stage in someone’s life can affect their deep sub conscious and core beliefs and change the way they view themselves as well as the way they behave or react to situations. But once you learn to address your sub-conscious beliefs, you can then regain control. And with that find the happiness that is ultimately available to you, and indeed, is the true you.

I learned the significant importance of becoming aware of my behaviour and thoughts, and the difference between how I perceived myself, and how I actually behaved. I learned that how I thought that I should behave was more akin to my true self, and how I actually behaved was a result of the profound experiences that I had had in this life time, and others, which were deeply seeded in my psyche, and causing the blockages that I’d been endeavouring to work with.

I learned about the instantaneous interaction between our conscious mind and our sub-conscious mind, and the roles that they play in structuring and formulating our thoughts, and dictating our subsequent beliefs, which result in the behaviour that we display.

I learned that our conscious mind operates in the present, and is influenced by our intuition, and that it’s not responsible for the information that is used to consider how we should perceive or react to a situation.

I learned how our sub-conscious mind operates in the past, and entirely from memory, and that it will more commonly default to the most negative memory, as a mechanism to protect ourselves from an environment that has usually changed. It is entirely responsible for the information and beliefs that result in our outlook on life and subsequent behaviour that we display.

I learned how our conscious mind has a tendency to construct future scenarios based on the information that it receives from our subconscious mind, and how I could begin to positively influence the thoughts that I had, and how this could positively change the perception that I had for the future, and subsequently positively effect what I attracted to myself.

I learned how and where to remove negative thoughts, and in doing so, I realised the greater clarity this provided me with, and the positive impact that this had on my life in general.

I realised how powerful this was in positively influencing the relationships and interactions that I had with everyone and everything that I engaged with, and how I could raise my vibration and how I could influence and make positive what I attracted to myself and into my life.

And I realised that in doing so, I could open myself more freely, and with far less negative bias, to the information coming from my intuition and user guide, and could make far wiser choices and better decisions, which positively influenced everything in my life from that day onwards.

I learned about how we can begin to choose to perceive our thoughts positively, and how to manage and find clarity in our thinking. I learned that you could do this by observing your thoughts as they arise, and how you could remove redundant negative thoughts and associated emotions immediately, leaving you with far better clarity with which to consider your position and subsequent actions and behaviour.

So, I learned that if you become conscious of your thoughts as they happen, and gradually replace the default negative memories (or programs) with positive ones, then you will see remarkable changes. Not only in how you view the world and your experience, but also in the things that happen to you, and around you. Like attracts like. Positivity attracts positivity. You can only send out either a positive vibe or a negative one to the universe, and with careful analysis, you can begin to choose which vibe you’re sending, and what you’re attracting back into your life.

But I’ve learned that you have a choice. You can choose to get angry, or not. You can choose to let things stress you, or not. You can choose to let things piss you off, or not. And you can choose to use techniques to combat stressful and negative thoughts.

One way to dispel negative thoughts is to hold them in your mind and not allow them to evoke further negative thoughts, which otherwise lead to a downward spiral and layers and layers of further negativity, fear and doubt. An effective method for doing this is to consciously acknowledge the thought, to accept it, and to allow it. To make it OK.

I can’t begin to explain how powerful this process is for me, but I accept the fact that it is my process, and won’t necessarily work for you, or for anyone else. I am, however, utterly convinced that if you, or anybody, wanted to develop a similar technique, then you’d be very capable of doing so, with the right understanding, knowledge, practice and experience.

I’ve got to the stage now whereby I can remove negative thoughts (memories) as soon as they are triggered by my conscious process, and where necessary, replace them with new positive memories or thoughts, which subsequently enables me to think constructively and clearly about the thought, and provides me with a far more stable, happy and harmonious existence.

I have come to understand that the most powerful and effective man-made medicine ever created is the placebo. A great many studies have demonstrated the immense power of this ‘drug’. It’s amazing what our minds are capable of, when we truly believe!

One of the greatest pieces of advice given was from a very good friend of mine, who provided these words to me in my mid-teens. His words exactly were: ‘Who Gives a Fuck?’.

The language (or specific word choice) that you use is also of critical importance in life. I cannot stress this enough. I believe that the language that you use sets the platform for the thoughts and emotions that you experience, which are dictated by the beliefs that you store in your deep subconscious, and have a powerful influence on the frequency at which you vibrate. This is something I’m acutely conscious of and am still working on, in terms of how I communicate with you, for example.

In realising that I no longer needed to regret anything, it enabled me to see that in this respect, for as much as I was trying to be a ‘good’ and ‘better’ person, I never had to regret anything or feel remorseful about any mistake I made, ever again. I mean, as long as my intention was never ‘bad’, and as long as I learned from the experience, and strove towards a solution, then it had been a valuable experience, and I could be happy that I’d had the opportunity to learn. And this became a very powerful tool for much of my life and career.

It’s my understanding that the true definition of sorry is to accept that you’ve done something ‘wrong’, and also, you actively work towards behaviour that will in future ensure that you do not do it again! Otherwise, you can’t really argue that you were actually sincerely sorry!

Something I learned quite early on during schooling was that I should never be afraid of asking stupid questions. In fact, if you have a question, it’s never stupid (unless it’s deliberately stupid, of course). You see, often the question is only as stupid as the information that provoked it. What I mean is, that even someone with the best intentions may not have conveyed the information to you in a way that you have understood it. And what are you going to do?

I soon developed a taste for a ‘darker’, or dry sense of humour, as I began to watch who I saw as being some of the best comedians of this era. For example, Bill Hicks, who used the insanity of social circumstance to point out the negative actuality of our reality in society, and how absurd it is.

I can’t stress how important I’ve found this to be in my life. And put quite simply, when you speak negatively about someone else (or indeed anything else), not only is it likely that you’re reflecting your own negativity upon them, you’re allowing yourself exactly that: to be negative. I’ve found that this is not only damaging to the person you are talking about, and the person that you are talking to, but more importantly, it is significantly damaging to yourself as it usually causes a range of negative feelings and emotions, and lowers your vibrational frequency.

When you complain about something, you’re choosing to express your feelings about it in a negative way. Only you can change that. You may not be able to change the situation, so my advice would be to accept it, and to begin with changing the way you think about it, to being something positive. I believe that then you are in a better position to change the situation.

I also learned that there is no point beating yourself up over anything. Anything at all! It’s far more conducive to progress in your personal development if you accept what you’ve done, or what the situation is, or has been, and concentrate on thinking positively about what you can try to do in the future to prevent it from happening again. Even if it means working extensively with your deep sub-conscious and subsequent behaviour.

At some point along the way I’d become confused with the word that we so readily use: love. What did it actually mean, or represent? The more I thought about it, the more I realised that actually, it appeared to be a quite broadly used term that was often rather unspecific. So, for the sake of clarity, the ‘love’ that I’m talking about now represents ‘good’ and ‘positive’ at its highest level of energy, or light, and apparently with a vibrational frequency of 528Hz. It is not for example, referring to the animal instinct that brings two people together, which I assimilate to being akin to a physical addiction (and I have enough experience of that on many fronts to be able to discuss it with some authority!)

Once I was truly in a position of loving myself, I found that the love that I held for my partner completely changed from what I’d experienced in relationships before. It changed to be significantly more harmonious, natural, sustainable, more easily manageable, more comfortable, and significantly more fulfilling. In this condition, I no longer felt that I needed a partner to satisfy my desires or needs, and that I no longer felt any dependency on my partner. I no longer felt deluded. The love I felt was more pure and unconditional than I had ever experienced before, and it was truly amazing. As importantly, I found that the love that I was then subsequently able to give, was received and magnified in a way that I had equally not experienced before.

Once I accepted the philosophy, which I originally came to understand as quoted by Anthony Hopkins, and put myself in a position whereby I had no expectations and no demands, then I truly became at one with myself, and my loving relationship became significantly easier for me to manage emotionally, and significantly more harmonious. I found that this sentiment was exceptionally powerful when addressing my sexual desires, previously associated confusion, and lack of confidence. Yes, it has a lot to do with how amazing, grounded, stable, and broad-minded my partner is too, but it enabled me to fit better into her world, and to integrate more synchronously with her.

Acutely conscious of the fact that I couldn’t change anyone, once I truly understood the value behind Burt Hellinger’s message quoted above, and allowed myself to accept and embrace every behavioural trait in my partner as being an important part of her, then the relationship became significantly easier and more harmonious for us both. Not only that, but this in turn put us both in a position to more easily and naturally observe the behaviours in each other that upset the other, and to understand each other’s negative reactions in the short term, as simply coming from deeply ingrained sub-conscious memories from the past.

To quote a phrase used by one of the Gods in ‘Vikings’, and put quite simply, ‘possession is the opposite of love’. It would be easy to equate this to being an excuse for him to justify his shagging every attractive young woman in the settlement, however, for me this was an exceptionally powerful sentiment, and enabled me to dissolve any jealousy or insecurity that I may have otherwise harboured, and to truly value and trust the love that was being endowed upon me, absolutely unconditionally. Some time ago I realised that I did not ever want to assume any governance or power over anybody, and this put the icing on the cake for me, and it has made my life and love far more satisfying and fruitful.

We mustn’t talk about it, but most people, deep down want to talk about it, if we allowed ourselves to do so! Some are desperate to talk about it, but generally speaking we don’t, and certainly not with much sincerity. And we hide it from you, our children, and we make it allusive, secret and sacred. So much so that when you get to the right age, you may even develop a pornography fuelled obsession for it, that which has been withheld from you. It becomes unhealthy and unnatural, and erodes all of the natural magic and wonder associated with it.

As I understand it, there are several key parameters that are fundamental to human health and wellbeing in general, based on the observation that the body is an electrochemical device:

The feelings or sensations we often experience in our gut that tell us whether something feels right or wrong appear to stem from something known as the ‘Enteric nervous system’ located in the stomach area. This part of our nervous system is also called our ‘second brain’. It’s understood that around 80% of key neurotransmitters for mental health are manufactured here. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers which impact our mood, appetite, drive etc.

There are over 100,000 recognised toxins that result from modern consumables in every arena, including the food that we eat, the medicines that are prescribed to us, the vaccinations that we’ve been treated with, the by-products of industry and machinery, pesticides, herbicides, the cleaning products that we use, the cars, boats and planes that we get around in, the cosmetics and toiletries that we use, and even the water from most plastic bottles that we drink. The list is extensive. These toxins clearly do not kill people quickly, however, they are worth identifying and removing periodically, and where possible, avoiding.

Depending upon the geographical area that you live in, and certainly for many of the States in the US, the water that is delivered to our taps, is for a large part deliberately contaminated with Fluoride. It is presented to the general population as being for the purpose of preventing tooth decay. Bull… Shit! Is all I can say. I mean, really?! And most people still believe this… They’ve done a fantastic job at making us ignorant and proliferating the lies. Even many dentists have been brainwashed into believing it (or have been bought into it).

The pineal gland, which is apparently the gateway of our mind into the spirit realm, is rich in fluoride already. However, by subjecting it to too much fluoride you risk over filling it and hardening its walls, and thus making it less effective, and reducing your spiritual, or energetic capabilities.

The two main active ingredients of cannabis are THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol). THC is the psychoactive component. Balancing the ratio of THC to CBD in the plant is the key to its special and diverse properties. However, it has been known for a long time that the CBD component is extremely beneficial to health, and this product is now legal in the UK.

Cannabis, Marijuana, dope, solids, pot, ganja, hash, herb, chronic, reefer, Mary Jane… Whatever you want to call it, in its purest and most natural, and most appropriately balanced form (relative to what you’re trying to treat or address), it is one of the most powerful and beneficial plants on the planet, for both body and mind. End of story. If you understand it to be anything other than this, then let me tell you, you have been lied to!

I used to scoff at the happy clapper tree hugger wankers, but now I have a deep respect for people who understand the significance of such activities. You see, I’ve learned that the trees, and indeed all plant life, are conscious beings, with organised thought, albeit in a very different sense to what we’re used to, and that by hugging trees, you are not only absorbing electrons from the earth in a grounding sense, but you can also connect to the vast knowledge and wisdom that they hold!

Getting enough sleep is paramount to your existence on earth. It is not an optional lifestyle luxury, it is a non-negotiable biologically necessary condition of living, and when we do not get enough sleep, as society in industrialised nations pushes us further and further towards, the silent effects can be seen emanated in an inability to store new memories, or memory loss, it can distort your genes and DNA genetic code, for example, promoting tumours or raising your stress levels, and is even associated with so called diseases like cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s.

Reiki means universal Life Force energy. When we’re connected to this source of all love, power & healing light, we can transform ourselves & those around us, being ever mindful of our true nature & search for meaning. When you learn this wonderful energy tool, you become connected to the source of life, thus helping you to remember your true self & to flow with the divine energy of love, life & everything.

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