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Lead Out Loud Sonia Ricotti

In 2014, Sonia Ricotti’s Unsinkable changed my life in so many ways that I can most simply explain in terms of where I am now, and the progression that I’ve made since that time.  Needless to say, I’m a dedicated advocate of her work and programs, and I’d like everyone to be able to get the benefit from them, when the time is right, and if it resonates with them.  This is an extract from the book, where I introduce how the magical moment happened for me:


Despite my new insights into the law of attraction and thinking I knew how to grow rich; I was also making a lot of big ‘mistakes’.  Alcohol still ruled my world and it drove a bitter streak between your Mother and I.  I was going through bankruptcy while trying to start a new business just as you were born, Alex.


These were very confusing times for me, and I will always be deeply and remorsefully sorry to your Mother for having dragged her into that mess.


I realise I can’t go back and change the past, and I consider all the experiences of that time as essential and valuable learning milestones for me.  But all the same, I’m aware that these were the main contributing factors that drove your Mother and I apart, to the point that we were happier living apart for your sake, and for us to be able to function as parents.


 I’ll never forget the day that I was reading a bedtime story to you, William, and I became overwhelmed with emotion and had to stop reading and leave the room, to prevent you from seeing me cry (which I’ve since overcome, and you see my face leaking sometimes).


I was at the lowest that I’d been for a long time, and quite desperate.  I was confused with all the information I’d been absorbing, the bankruptcy and lack of career and life focus, and the breakdown in the relationship with your Mother, who I’d loved so dearly.  The lack of clarity was taking its toll.  At this time, I thought I was doing everything I could to progress my career, education, relationship, and self-development, but nothing seemed to be working.  I was at the end of my tether.  Little did I know it, but right there and then, I was exactly ‘3 feet from gold’!


Neat Life Hacks:  What I have found consistently in my life is that when you really want to achieve, or do, or get something, and you focus your desires on it, with belief and faith, feeling and visualisation, life will often throw a whole ton of confusion and challenges at you, just before the point of breakthrough and achievement.  hence the expression ‘three feet from gold’ (taken from ‘Think and Grow Rich’).  What I’ve found is, it’s like life is saying, ‘are you sure you really want this?’, and if you remain strong and focussed, and plough through the challenges, then it will see that you are serious, and it will provide in abundance!  Also, ‘three feet from gold’ is a good ‘What if, up’ statement (See 6.7)!


It’s a bit like when, William, you had the dream and desire to reach the town football A-team, after you had progressed so well in the town B-team.  Your opportunity presented itself with a scheduled match against the A-team, but it was a terrible game where you were played out of position and were beaten 5:1.  You were gutted and emotional, but you stayed strong, and right there and then you were 3 feet from gold!  Within a week you got the call to join the A-team, and during your first game with them, you not only beat your main rivals in the league, but you contributed nicely to hammering them 7:1!


So, when I left your room during the bedtime story back then, I went and sat at the computer in my room and I looked up towards where the sky would be if there wasn’t a roof in the way, and I asked for help.  Like I was praying.  I asked for a sign.  I asked for support.  I asked, ‘what should I do now?’.  I was desperate.


Through my tears, I noticed that an e-mail just popped into my inbox, and I couldn’t believe it when it said, ‘are you sitting in your room, looking towards where the sky would be if there wasn’t a roof in the way, asking for help?’!


Well, it didn’t say exactly that, but as good as!


Now, I’m already acutely sceptical at this stage of so called ‘get rich quick’ and ‘make your willy as big as Nelsons column’ promises on the internet (which were even sent to your Mother), and I approached this with caution too.  But at the same time, I don’t believe in coincidences, and wanted to find out as much as I could first, before I dismissed it.


Neat life hacks:  There is no such thing as coincidence.  Everything happens for a reason, and more often than not, because you, or someone else has attracted it into being or happening.  For the same reason, I don’t believe in ‘luck’ as we are led to understand it.  It is my opinion that for the majority of cases, you create your own ‘luck’, and I often wish people the best of ‘Tuck’!


The email advocated a webinar called ‘Unsinkable’ by Sonia Ricotti, and the webinar was at some arbitrary time in the US; but when I checked, it was in 5 minutes time, local time!  Well, it was free, I had nothing to lose, and so I logged on and tuned in to find out more.


This turned out to be one of the best ‘risks’ I’ve ever bought into in my entire life, and what I was to learn, and also invest in, was one of the most valuable products and experiences that I’d come across during this period for me.  The timing was simply perfect!  It’s not going to be for everyone, I accept that, but it was perfect for me!  And I don’t believe in ‘coincidences’!


This was to kick-start my understanding and practice of meditation, which has now become an integrated part of my life for me.  It was to kick-start my understanding of stress and anxiety and to build upon my ability to remove my negative thoughts and emotions.  It was to kick-start my understanding of accessing and influencing my deep sub conscious.  It was to kick-start my appreciation of synchronicity.  It was to kick-start my fascination for energy healing, and training in Reiki.  And it was to kick-start the gradual rebuilding of me!

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