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This is a page dedicated to friends and collaborators, and also any presentations that I see as being significant or important in my quest for understanding the truth about life, the universe and everything.

Friends and Collaborators

Bucket List videos & presentations

This is a video that was written and produced by my good friend Steve Webster, who is exceptionally endowed with knowledge and wisdom about life, how it works in the bigger picture, and how to get the best from it.  In 2024 he recovered from stage 4 cancer, primarily using his wisdoms and understandings from a quantum physics perspective, whilst simultaneously writing what I believe to be an excellent book that challenges some of the fundamental quantum theories.

Another great video by Steve and Tracey Webster:  Law #4: The Law of Probability. SCIENTIFIC PROOF of how the Law of Attraction Really Works!

This is a track that was written and produced by Anndra

These videos represent presentations that resonate with me.  I fully accept that they may not be describing the absolute truth, however, they all fit one way or another into the bigger picture of truth, which I’ve built up in my mind surrounding what’s actually going on, and what we’re here to learn

Exposing Scientific Dogmas – Banned TED Talk – Rupert Sheldrak

Earth’s Hidden Pulse: Megalithic Sites and Telluric Currents – Subtle Energy Sciences

TOM BARNETT: How Viruses Work- You CAN NOT ‘catch’ a virus!

Inner Earth Unveiled : Deep State /Tree People+Butt Speakers / and Hidden Civilizations

The Most Eye Opening 40 Minutes Of Your Life Michael Tellinger

THE 1 FIELD, The Official film by Tsipi Raz

Alien Ruins Exposed In Oklahoma?


Extra terrestrial assistance with the energy from the sun at this time – December 2024

How To Reverse a Cavity at Home | Cure Tooth Decay

The Primordial Code

PRIMORDIAL CODE, The Burning Essence.

Schumann Resonance Revealed – Who Was Schumann?

Bashar Accept What Is and Use it Up To Advantage 2024 Message – Channeled by Darryl Anka

The Science of Heaven: An Interview with Robert Temple

Government Brainwashing Expert On How To Spot Lies & Influence Anyone – Chase Hughes

Types of Soul – Published on

It literally confirmed that our mind is artificial intelligence part of the illusion. it’s all the story and when we tap into it, we become a part of the greater story.


Very powerful overview that I buy into completely, which will give much joy to those who do likewise


Once You Learn To Vibrate CORRECTLY, It is Magical. | Everything is Energy

Very concise overview of how we can create our own realities.  The only thing I’d add to the dialogue at a higher level, is drawing on the law of infinate possibility.  I believe that infinite possibilty suggestes that there are an infinate possibility of worlds that we can choose to live in, therough our conscious thought and belief systems.  So, for example, if you don’t engage or believe in anything negative, then ultimately it can not exist in your environment or reality.  The more that collective consciousness embraces joy and excitement for the possibilities of the new world, instead of fear, the quicker we will consciously manifest this beutiful reality into our own realities.


United Network Takes a deep dive into all things history! From the history of earth, human history all the way to who really shot JFK and all parts in between. History is facinating, but it is often told far different then the actual events show. Did Niel Armstrong REALLY land on the moon or did the Russians? Is the moon even a rock? Who really won World War II? All these questions answered and more.

Dolores Cannon Presents Moving into the New Earth – this is from many years ago, and was one of the first presentations that gave me the hope that gradually transumted into joy and a feeling of positive purpose.  When ever I felt down over the past several years, or whenever I’d inadvertantly chosen to absorb any negative projection of the outcome of what was going on, I always went back to the words spoken here, and it reminded me that I was still on such a positive trajectory, no matter what may or may not be going on in our physical environment.

Bashar – how to manifest your desire – this is one of the best and most concise overviews that I’ve come across, which describes how manifestation can work for anyone
“Assignment: Earth” Penny Kelly – 2024 – This is exceptionally powerful, and Pennys words are spoken from one of the higest bigger picture perspectives than we are used to hearing about.  I very much buy into and resonate with what she’s talking about, and I hope you do too!

What is Kundalini Awakening? (19 Intense Symptoms) | Luna & Sol – with reference to the previous video.  Like many of you, I too have experienced some of the described phenomona during the course of my life, some from the negative sense, but mainly from a positive sense.  The cautionary words remind me of working with a shaman and plant medicines, so guidance is always advocated 🙂

Bashar Channeled by Darryl Anka: 2024 – This is one of the most concise and important messages that I have come across at this time.  It’s short, and to the point!

The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding (full documentary)

The Most Eye Opening 40 Minutes of Your Life (part 1) – Michael Tellinger

200,000 Year Old Levitaion Technology – Michael Tellinger

This is a neat and concise overview of Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think and Grow Rich’:

Zeitgeist – The Movie | Documentary | Sociological | History | Christianity

ZEITGEIST: ADDENDUM | Full Free Documentary | Social Pathology, Peter Joseph

Zeitgeist III – Moving Forward (Full Documentary)

How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland, The Science of The Pineal Gland and Third Eye Activation

The Science of Grounding

Sleep Is Your Superpower | Matt Walker | TED

Nikola Tesla – Limitless Energy & the Pyramids of Egypt

More recent report on clean energy generation

My New Stories

In my lifetime...
In my lifetime...